Let it Snow

Let it Snow!

It was a cold rainy Friday in Opelika and the Christmas in the Railroad Town event was cancelled because of the weather. North and west of Opelika was getting snow and winterly mix, putting caution for the event. Early Saturday morning(12-09-2017) the snow started and as Opelika begin to wake, it found a light blanket of snow on rooftops and ground. It snowed until about 7 am. I was out trying to get some snow pictures of the event for the Opelika Observer and was able to capture the Salem Shotwell Bridge shown below. 


2017-12-09 Snow 2017- Salem Shotwell Bridge

All Rights Reserved, No Reproduction Without Prior Premission © Noles Photography

Montgomery Hobby & Cycle

Happen to be in Montgomery visiting Alice’s mother and went down Forest Avenue near Jackson Hospital. As always, just had to stop to get a pic if something that I had seen for years. As I was taking the picture a truck pulled up and I got to meet  the person that put this bike up when he was 15 yrs old. Now he is 48. Bike came from England and had a motor but motor was taken off but was kept. Motor still in the store. They still work on bikes by appointment only. It was great to know the story behind a picture you take.

2017-08-06 Sunday Picture – Bicycle Shop